

AmiBroker 6.42.0 BETA released

Stability: Rank 3 – regular BETA should work fine in most environments

A new BETA version (6.42.0) of AmiBroker is available now.


32-bit version:
(10 414 936 bytes)

64-bit version:
(11 036 304 bytes)


DevLog announcement:

For the details see ReadMe.html and ReleaseNotes.html inside AmiBroker folder.


This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after November 27, 2020 . Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.42.0 (as compared to 6.41.0)

  1. UI: If modal window is displayed (like Filter dialog) and user clicks on blocked parent 3 times in a row, the modal window is repositioned to where mouse cursor is, to bring attention of the user to the modal window that needs to be closed
  2. Scheduler: added "Pause" button to pause execution of scheduled tasks (batches already running will complete normally)
  3. IQFeed: the plugin now has an option to consolidate unbundled ticks (i.e. ticks with same TickID)
  4. IQFeed: the plugin now has "Symbol guide" context menu option
  5. Fixed possible crash when drawing pointer become invalid (now drawings are referred by bound checked index)
  6. AFL: one-shot auto-save of persistent static variables feature is now available via SetOption("StaticVarAutoSave", -1 )
  7. AFL: new field supported by GetOption("BHSymbol") - get Portfolio B&H symbol. Note that this is read-only (can't set it via SetOption)

AmiBroker 6.41.0 BETA released

Stability: Rank 3 – regular BETA should work fine in most environments

A new BETA version (6.41.0) of AmiBroker is available now.


32-bit version:
(10 417 056 bytes)

64-bit version:
(11 032 344 bytes)


DevLog announcement:

For the details see ReadMe.html and ReleaseNotes.html inside AmiBroker folder.


This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after August 5, 2020 . Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.41.0 (as compared to 6.40.4)

  1. 64-bit version compiled now with new Visual Studio 2022
  2. New Analysis: Exploration now supports "Show current trade arrows" command
  3. QuickGFX: styleDots did not get bigger when width/thickness param is increased. Fixed.
  4. QuickGFX: solid rectangle fill speeded upto 3x on larger areas
  5. AFL Editor: When errors are detected the "Explain" button is added to the caption bar that displays help page with error explanation. Subsequent presses to "Explain" button move to next error message
  6. AFL: added support for Python-style raw strings. Raw strings use letter r before double or single quote and don't perform espace sequence transformations, so you don't need to use \ in paths if you use raw string: r"raw\string\syntax" or r'raw\string\sy
  7. AFL: GfxDrawImage function, if underlying Windows LoadImage fails to load BMP file, the Windows last error code is printed to system debugger (DebugView)
  8. ASCII import: duplicate lines in very large files caused unusual slow down, now duplicate lines are detected and removed early, improving import time in such unusual cases.
  9. Easy alerts now display comment field content in Alert Output window
  10. Report: Parameters in the report are now listed in alphabetically sorted order
  11. UI: a message box is displayed when system returns from Sleep/Hibernation while being connected to RT plugin to make user aware NOT to use sleep while collecting real time data
  12. UI: added "Start Page" that provides basic new user orientation, news and updates and links to open new charts, analysis, formulas, and other windows
  13. UI: custom tools menu (Tools->Customize, "Tools" tab) allows now to run batches via #runbatch command. To run a batch, use #runbatch in "Command" field, and full path to batch (.abb) file in Arguments field
  14. UI: custom tools menu command arguments now support special token {symbol} that gets replaced with currently selected symbol. This is to allow triggering for example AmiQuote downloads for current symbol only
  15. Zoom and tab order stored in layout could be ignored when number of MDI windows was too large. Fixed

AmiBroker 6.40.4 Official release

Stability: Rank 5 - STABLE

A new official version (6.40.4) of AmiBroker has been released.

32-bit version:
(10 409 344 bytes)

64-bit version:
(11 023 360 bytes)

If you can not log in into members' area please get your new password by filling the form at:

IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.


This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after December 30, 2019. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

What's new in AmiBroker 6.40


Version 6.40 brings lots of new functionality especially with regards to the formula language and performance . There are hundreds of new features and changes to existing functionality as compared to version 6.30, listed in detail in "Release Notes" document in AmiBroker directory. Below is just a short list of few of them:

  • QuickGFX - brand new chart rendering engine delivering upto 100x performance boost as compared to GDI rendering. GDI rendering speed also improved upto 2x.
    In-house developed QuickGFX direct rendering technology completely bypasses Windows GDI and offers amazing 10x-100x performance gain as compared to GDI renderingTo enable QuickGFX experimental tech go to Tools->Preferences, "Miscellaneous" tab, click "Experimental: Use QuickGFX render" and press "Apply" or "OK"
    You can see when it is enabled, chart timing footnote (when enabled) will say "QuickGFX render" instead of "GDI render" This is PROFESSIONAL edition feature only. Users of Standard version would need to purchase upgrade in order to use this feature.
  • Automatic Analysis improvements
    • Easy Sequencing of multiple Analysis actions via #pragma sequence(scan,explore) and new "Run Sequence" button without need to write batches. Allows for example single click two-step analysis runs creating composites or static variables in first step and using them in second step
    • Backtester - added "Max. position value" option in the settings allowing to specify maximum dollar value of position. Zero (0) means no maximum. Positions larger will be shinked (if shrinking is enabled) or won't be entered at all (if shrinking is disabled)
    • huge speedups in running large explorations, dark theme and 5x speed up for rendering huge list views like (as compared to 6.31)
  • AmiBroker Formula Language new functions / features
    • FindIndex( array, value, start_from = 0, dir = 1 ) - find index of array item matching specified value
    • BarsSinceCompare( past, comparison, current ) - for every bar, compare past array values with current bar value and return the number of bars since last time comparision was true
    • InternetSetHeaders( "headers" ) - set custom HTTP headers for subsequent web requests
    • InternetSetOption( option, value ) - set HTTP option for internet session
    • InternetPostRequest(''http://url_to_your_web_resource'', data, flags = 0) - send HTTP Post request to Internet web resource (URL)
    • MxCopy() - in-place copy of rectangular blocks from one matrix to the other (copy portions of one matrix to the other matrix)
    • _exit() - gracefully ends AFL execution at the point of the call
    • InternetGetStatusCode() - returns HTTP status code of last InternetOpenURL or InternetPostRequest call
    • Chr( code ) returns string representing single character of given ascii code
    • GetObject( path, class ) providing functionality equivalent to JScript GetObject and VBScript GetObject
    • GuiSendKeyEvents("ED") - register given characters to be sent as Gui event when keyboard key is pressed. GuiGetEvent will return code == notifyKeyDown and id of given character, for example id == 'D' for D letter
    • inverf(x) - inverse of erf function
    • erf(x) - computes Error function Error function - Wikipedia 2
    • SafeDivide( x, y, valueifzerodiv )- safe division that handles division by zero using special handling (replace result with user-defined value)
    • new Javascript engine (Chakra) featuring native JSON support (EnableScript("chakra"))
  • AmiBroker Formula Language improvements, enhancements and fixes
    • exponentation operator is made 50-100x faster in cases of small integer exponents of 2, 3, 4 and 5
    • GuiSetText() function avoids sending change notifications to prevent update loops
    • ADX function vectorized (2x faster than before)
    • added extra parameter for Error() function to stop execution
    • internal function signatures changed to allow flexible ordering of arguments regardless of their type and varargs with less overhead
    • GfxDrawImage with PNG images exclusive file lock removed
    • parser warns if empty body is used in 'for' or 'while' statements
    • support for gzip and deflate compression in Internet functions
    • plugin interface backward compatibility with changing function signatures
    • more runtime checks to prevent user errors and other fixes
  • Batch window new features / improvements
    • Clipboard Cut/Copy/Paste implemented in batch editor
    • Edit->Delete (from main menu) and Edit-Delete All implemented for completeness
    • list view uses virtual mode now (owner data)
    • added "add results to watchlist" action / WatchlistAddResults
    • added "clear watchlist" action / WatchlistClear
    • added "comment" action
    • added optional parameter to Data Import ASCII command to allow specify format definition file
    • added optional parameter to Execute and Wait command to specify current working directory for command
    • added optional parameter to Export to File / Export walk-forward to file to specify column separator in CSV files
    • -optional parameter defines the column SEPARATOR used for export. Only single character is used. When it is not supplied, comma is used.
  • AFL editor enhancements
    • call tips (parameter information tooltips) now provide extra description about the function and its parameters (as of v6.39 only 20 functions have this extra info)
    • debugging session is automatically terminated with appropriate notice when user attempts to edit the code during debugging (this saves mouse clicks that were needed to stop debug session in order to edit)
    • previously when no text was selected and Prettify Code was choosen, the message box caused main frame to get focus instead of focus staying in AFL frame. Fixed
    • when an runtime error is detected debugging session the message bar shows now number of detected errors (as it did previously during normal "verify"
    • when dark mode list views are used watch window default text color was black making it hardly visible, changed to white
  • User Interface new features and improvements
    • Dark theme for all owner-draw list views (NOT in dialogs) now feature customizable theme (currently available "system (light) theme" and "black theme") - go to Tools->Customize, "Appearance" tab, "Dark mode for listviews" checkbox
    • 5x speed up for rendering huge list views (bypassing Windows rendering)
    • Preferences: added Text Tool font setting independent from Axis font (Preferences->Miscellaneous page)
    • Charts: improved text tool with per-study selectable font size
    • Parameter names are not truncated in HighDPI screens
  • Database improvements
    • new 8-digit ICB structure implemented: FTSE Russell 6
    • Database Purify is 10x faster
    • OLE: added Stock.Quotations.Adjust function to perform adjustments programmatically OLE: added Stock.Quotations.Adjust() function. long Adjust(BSTR pszFieldList, float fMultiplier, float fOffset, DATE dDateTime, boolean bBefore)

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.40.4 (as compared to 6.40.3)

  • Charts: on specifically prepared formulas producing sparse array a moire effect with histogram chart can be seen under rare circumstances. Fixed.
  • UI: when Tickerbar was customized in previous versions it could come up as empty in 6.40.2 until it is RESET via customize dialog. Fixed.
  • QuickGFX, simple bar chart, width > 2, end caps are drawn to ensure that open/close ticks are visible in high zoom out levels
  • Toolbar Zoom in/out auto-repeat period decreased to 100ms (from 150ms)
  • QuickGFX: styleGradient wasn't supported in 6.40.2-6.40.3. Now it works again (fallback to GDI)
  • Docs: added GuiSetColors to help file
  • Charts: 3-color gradient charts could be drawn incorrectly if user-defined base line level was outside chart Y axis range. Fixed

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.40.3 (as compared to 6.40.2)

  • OLE: new Quotations.Adjust could enter infinite loop. Fixed
  • QuickGFX: fixed division by zero on gradient fill when top == bottom
  • QuickGFX: styleDashed implemented
  • UI: on HiDPI screens Tickerbar dropdown item height was too small in 6.40.2. FIxed
  • UI: Ticker bar has been reimplemented to allow quick handling of millions of symbols (done in 6.40.2 but missing in change log)
  • UI: Ticker bar search / auto-complete is re-introduced (it was not working in 6.40.2 because TickerBar no longer uses standard combo box and combo box "built-in" features were absent)
  • UI: when Tickerbar was customized in previous versions it could come up as empty in 6.40.2 until it is RESET via customize dialog. Fixed.

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.40.2 (as compared to 6.40.0)

  • 32-bit/Charts: x87 assembly code used for faster conversion from float to int. This gives +20% performance improvement in both GDI and QuickGFX rendering modes
  • 64-bit: the size of internal exit signal structure increased to allow backtest with more than 1 million symbols (at the cost of increased RAM usage). 32-bit version still uses smaller structure and 1 million symbol limit
  • AFL Editor: Defunct Print menu option removed from context (right-click) menu. Working Print option is available in File->Print menu
  • AFL: _SECTION_BEGIN() - section name is checked against not allowed control characters
  • AFL: ADX/PDI/MDI protected against division by zero when data are completely flat (H == L == C for long periods of time)
  • AFL: array version of ColorHSB function is 50% faster now
  • AFL: new function BarsSinceCompare( past, comparison, current ) - for every bar, compare past array values with current bar value and return the number of bars since last time comparision was true
  • AFL: New warning 511 for incorrect usage of IIF function: "Assignment within IIF function arguments. Use IIF() return value instead"
  • AFL: Param*() functions check if user passed non-printable/control characters, that are forbidden in parameter names and display appropriate error message
  • AFL: regression new Error 72 was incorrectly generated when amount was zero but mode was set to Disable (like in file). The combination of zero amount and disable is of course valid and error is no longer produced in such case.
  • AFL: Status("baseinterval") - new field "baseinterval" returns database base time interval setting in seconds
  • AFL: Warning 501 (assignment within conditional) is silenced if assignment is made to the variable that wasn't intitialized before (i.e. it is first assignment of given variable ever in code)
  • AFL: Warning 512 added to detect overusage of Foreign/SeForeign calls
  • Analysis report charts: regression: when QuickGFX was enabled, report charts could cause exception. Fixed.
  • ASCII import: combination of $HYBRID 1 without "autoadd" mode produces an error on non-existing symbols now.
  • Charts: 40% speedup in determination of auto-scale min/max (signficantly affects chart rendering performance for very large number of bars >500K)
  • Charts: Bar-to-XPixel coordinate conversions speeded up 3x by using assembly in 32-bit and _div64/__emul intrinsics in 64-bit versions
  • Charts: GDI rendering of cloud style charts is now 2x faster
  • Charts: QuickGFX rendering of cloud style charts is now 100x faster
  • Charts: when QuickGFX was enabled multi-color title text was slightly truncated at the color boundaries. Fixed.
  • DB: when user renames the symbol corresponding Note text file name is renamed accordingly now
  • Fixed regression introduced in 6.39 when the very last value in MA was non-Null even if there was not enough data
  • New Analysis window: #pragma sequence(scan,backtest) - and new "Run Sequence" button to run same formula with same settings several times in sequence using different modes
  • OLE: added Stock.Quotations.Adjust() function. long Adjust(BSTR pszFieldList, float fMultiplier, float fOffset, DATE dDateTime, boolean bBefore)
  • QuickGFX: Line width > 1 implemented
  • QuickGFX: New lines in Title variables caused double spacing. Fixed
  • QuickGFX: styleHistogram was invisible for negative values. Fixed
  • UI: Param window, names of parameters are not tructated on HighDPI screens anymore
  • When worker thread attempted to read string from resources sometimes resource handle was set incorrectly, this caused COleException / unknown error. Fixed by replacing faulty MS CString::LoadString implementation.

For more details, instructions and examples how to use new features see the 6.40.4 BETA READ ME

AmiBroker 6.39.1 RC released

Stability: Rank 3 - regular BETA should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new RC version (6.39.1) of AmiBroker has been released.

32-bit version:
(10 316 744 bytes)

64-bit version:
(10 924 560 bytes)

If you can not log in into members' area please get your new password by filling the form at:

IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.

This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after March 5, 2019. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.30 or higher from


6.39 provides 30 new features and enhancements

  • AFL editor enhancements
  • new AFL functions
  • support for gzip and deflate compression in Internet functions
  • in-place matrix copy
  • backtester enhancements
  • improved text tool with per-study selectable font size
  • new 8-digit ICB structure
  • plugin interface backward compatibility with changing function signatures
  • improved performance
  • more runtime checks to prevent user errors and other fixes

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.39.1 (as compared to 6.39.0)

  1. 64-bit uses a bit faster float versions powf and modf instead of double pow/mod for ^ and % operators (non integers)
  2. Analysis/Settings: added 3 checks and warnings to prevent users from entering combination of MinPosValue/MaxPosValue/AllowPosShrinking/RoundLotSize that are likely to prevent all trades from being taken at all
  3. array ^ (exponentation) operator made 50-100x faster in special cases of small INTEGER, scalar exponents of 2, 3, 4 and 5 by using multiplication instead of calls to C runtime powf()
  4. calling GuiSetText from AFL formula caused notifyEditChange notification to be sent. If user formula responded to notification with another GuiSetText this could create loops. Now notifications are silenced if changes come from user code
  5. When one pane had Gui controls and the other pane on another chart sheet was completely blank, then GUI controls from populated tab remained displayed after switching to completely blank sheet. Fixed

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.39.0 (as compared to 6.38.0)

  1. 64-bit: AmiBroker, AmiQuote, AFL Code Wizard migrated to newest VC++ 2019 for even better performance
  2. AFL Editor: @link commands are executed at mouse up (instead of previous mouse down) to prevent unwanted text selection when message boxes are dismissed
  3. AFL Editor: call tips (parameter information tooltips) now provide extra description about the function and its parameters (as of v6.39 only 20 functions have this extra info)
  4. AFL Editor: debugging session is automatically terminated with appropriate notice when user attempts to edit the code during debugging (this saves mouse clicks that were needed to stop debug session in order to edit)
  5. AFL Editor: previously when no text was selected and Prettify Code was choosen, the message box caused main frame to get focus instead of focus staying in AFL frame. Fixed
  6. AFL Editor: when an runtime error is detected debugging session the message bar shows now number of detected errors (as it did previously during normal "verify"
  7. AFL Editor: when dark mode list views are used watch window default text color was black making it hardly visible, changed to white
  8. AFL/CBT: AmiBroker now displays an error when user passes incorrect bar number to ProcessTradeSignals() instead of silently skipping wrong arguments
  9. AFL: added protection against assigning wrong types to some built-in variables such as *Price arrays. If wrong type is assigned the error 71 Type mismatch in assignment is displayed
  10. AFL: ADX() function vectorized in 64-bit version (2x faster than before)
  11. AFL: backtester crashed when user incorrectly assigned string value to BuyPrice/ShortPrice/CoverPrice arrays. Fixed.
  12. AFL: Error("text", stop=False) function - added extra parameter to stop execution regardless of "stop execution at first error" preference setting
  13. AFL: FindIndex( array, value, start_from = 0, dir = 1 )
  14. AFL: If warning level >= 3, InternetOpenURL() function now displays a warning 507 if OS generated exception when accessing remote resource, the same way as InternetPostRequest
  15. AFL: increased calculated bar requirements for Wilders() function for better conformance with QuickAFL
  16. AFL: Last OS error code is set by Internet* functions regardless of warning level so you can always retrieve it using GetLastOSError()
  17. AFL: MA( C, BarCount ), StDev( C, BarCount ) return non-Null value
  18. AFL: new field added to SetOption/GetOpion function calls "MaxPosValue" (per backtest setting)
  19. AFL: new function InternetSetHeaders( "headers" ) - set custom HTTP headers for subsequent web requests
  20. AFL: new function InternetSetOption( option, value ) - set HTTP option for internet session
  21. AFL: new function MxCopy - for copying rectangular blocks from one matrix to the other (copy portions of one matrix to the other matrix)
  22. AFL: new function: _exit() - that gracefully ends AFL execution at the point of the call
  23. AFL: new function: InternetGetStatusCode function - returns HTTP status code of last InternetOpenURL or InternetPostRequest call
  24. Analysis/Backtest: added "Max. position value" option in the settings allowing to specify maximum dollar value of position. Zero (0) means no maximum. Positions larger will be shinked (if shrinking is enabled) or won't be entered at all (if shrinking is d
  25. Charts/Preferences: added Text Tool font setting independent from Axis font (Preferences->Miscellaneous page)
  26. Charts: Text Box tool supports user-selectable font size now (selectable in Study Properties window)
  27. Database: new 8-digit ICB structure implemented:
  28. Got rid of obsolete "Request data on save" setting that wasn't performing as expected
  29. Plugin interface: added compatibility layer allowing old plugins to safely call functions even when they have modified signature (added new default parameters). When plugin calls function with less than expected number of arguments, missing some of default
  30. When variable was passed to user function by reference, ++ operator inside had no effect on referenced variable (outside of function). Fixed.

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.38.0 (as compared to 6.35.1)

  1. 64-bit version uses updated VC2017/2019 runtime
  2. 64-bit version could produce "Invalid parameter" exception from CRT after backtesting when symbols under test had forbidden characters in them like "%". Fixed
  3. 64-bit version: address space layout randomization disabled by /DYNAMICBASE:NO linker option to facilite easier crash location finding
  4. AFL: assignment new matrix value to a variable already holding matrix value did not immediately free memory (at the time of assignment). This memory was only freed at the end of the formula. Now it is freed earlier (at assignment) to lower memory usage.
  5. AFL: GetFnData("lastsplitdate") returns empty val instead of zero if last split date is not set
  6. AFL: GfxDrawImage with PNG file could fail if very same file was accessed simultaneously from multiple threads due to "no-sharing" mode that 3rd party XTP lib used. Fixed by using shareDenyWrite
  7. AFL: new function Chr( code ) returns string representing single character of given ascii code
  8. AFL: new function GetObject( path, class ) providing functionality equivalent to JScript GetObject and VBScript GetObject
  9. AFL: new function GuiSendKeyEvents("ED") - register given characters to be sent as Gui event when keyboard key is pressed. GuiGetEvent will return code == notifyKeyDown and id of given character, for example id == 'D' for D letter
  10. AFL: StaticVarAdd when scalar value was added to already existing static var array sometimes random value would appear. Fixed.
  11. AFL: when file creation or modication date was exact midnight fgetstatus() returned datetime indicating "eod mark" (date without time), now it gives 00:00:00
  12. Analysis: Maximum number of threads per single Analysis window has been increased to 64 (from 32)
  13. Backtester: generation of Buy&Hold stats was not working when "Allow position shrinking" was turned OFF by the user and commission > 0. Fixed
  14. Chart: Data window can now display upto 40 values per single chart pane
  15. Chart: Horizontal line snap to open price (keypress O) or close price (keypress C) was snapping to H-L instead. Fixed
  16. Charts: Snap to price - the meaning of threshold is changed - instead of % of price it now means % of chart height. So 5% will snap within +/-5 of chart height. This allows it to work universally across different securities (stocks/forex) and different zo
  17. IQFeed: improved IQFeed plugin (better support for long EOD histories in mixed mode)
    New Analysis: the name of column "contracts/shares" changes each time you change futures mode to prevent confusion among newbies
  18. Plugins: when AFL plugin crashes (throws structured exception) the editor and indicator windows will display call stack for easier debugging of 3rd party plugins
  19. UI: Dialog boxes are moved back main display screen if multi-monitor configuration was changed and multi-monitor setup is not rectangular (for example monitors of different sizes)
  20. UI: Listview sorting by (single) date column is now 10+ times faster
  21. UI: Listview uses non optimized parsing for str to date conversion for date formats that include names of the months instead of numbers (avoids problems with different names of months in different languages)
  22. UI: Main window and AFL Editor frame is moved back to (0,0) if multi-monitor configuration was changed and multi-monitor setup is not rectangular (for example monitors of different sizes), so saved position falls outside currently available working area
  23. UI: MDI Close/Minimize/Restore buttons are now HighDPI aware
  24. UI: MDI Tab client window buttons are now HighDPI aware
  25. UI: Minimized flicker during docking panes resize by disabling Windows copy bits
  26. UI: Toolbar split-popup buttons are now HighDPI aware
  27. x64 eSignal: reverted to more compatible version compiled with VC2005

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.35.0 (as compared to 6.31.0)

  1. AFL: new function inverf(x) - inverse of erf function
  2. AFL Editor: added function navigation combo box in the toolbar - detects user defined functions and allows to quicky navigate to function definition
  3. AFL: GetOption("PadAndAlignToReference") allows to query Pad and align setting status (note that this is read-only field, so it will not work with SetOption)
  4. AFL: new function erf(x) - computes Error function
  5. AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'for' statement, like this: for( i = 0; i AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'while' statement, like this: while( condition ) ; // extra semicolon at the end - empty body Warning 510
  6. AFL: SafeDivide( x, y, valueifzerodiv )- safe division that handles division by zero using special handling (replace result with user-defined value)
  7. Batch: added optional parameter to Data Import ASCII command to allow specify format definition file
  8. Batch: added optional parameter to Execute and Wait command to specify current working directory for command
  9. Batch: added optional parameter to Export to File / Export walk-forward to file to specify column separator in CSV files
    -optional parameter defines the column SEPARATOR used for export. Only single character is used. When it is not supplied, comma is used.
  10. Batch: Clipboard Cut/Copy/Paste implemented in batch editor
  11. Batch: Edit->Delete (from main menu) and Edit-Delete All implemented for completeness
  12. Batch: list view uses virtual mode now (owner data)
  13. UI: All owner-draw list views (NOT in dialogs) now feature customizable theme (currently available "system (light) theme" and "black theme") - go to Tools->Customize, "Appearance" tab, "Dark mode for listviews" checkbox
  14. UI: Analysis and RT quote window use now exactly the same RGB values for up/down (green/red) colors for consistency
  15. UI: Custom virtual listview (owner data) supports per-item data now
  16. UI: Found workaround to avoid terrible flicker and bad rendering of list view controls during fast page up/down and side scrolls (even though they are double buffered by Windows and in theory should be smooth).
  17. UI: Identified even more bottlenecks in Windows OS that caused even owner data and owner draw Listview performance to suffer with large number of columns. OS code circumvented. Listview redraw speeds increased more than 5x compared to previous speedy implementation
  18. UI: Implemented resizing of Listview column customization dialog

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.31.0 (as compared to 6.30.0)

  1. AFL: Access violation in PercentRank when period is wrong. Now error 52 is displayed instead.
  2. AFL: InternetPostRequest now silently (or with warning 507 under debugger) returns NULL handle instead of error when remote server responds with HTTP Status 50x
  3. Analysis: manual column re-sorting could be bit off if scientific output format (xxxEyyy) was used with different exponents. Fixed.
  4. ASCII importer now handles LastSplitRatio of X:Y where X and Y are 1...32767 (previously only 1..127)
  5. Batch: add "add results to watchlist" action / WatchlistAddResults
  6. Batch: add "clear watchlist" action / WatchlistClear
  7. Batch: add "comment" action
  8. Core/DB: fixed access violation when all data were removed while QuickData was turned on
  9. DebugView: eliminated some internal messages from DebugView output (from release version)
  10. InternetPostRequest - even if URL started with https, previous version wanted to connect to port 80, instead of 443. Fixed.
  11. UI/Listview: since 6.28 exception could occur if single cell text length exceeded 1024 characters. Fixed.
  12. When database is empty, ticker box displays grayed text instead of blank or reminiscent of previous database symbol


  1. None

For more details, instructions and examples how to use new features see the 6.39.1 BETA READ ME

AmiBroker 6.39.0 RC released

Stability: Rank 3 - regular BETA should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new RC version (6.39.0) of AmiBroker has been released.

32-bit version:
(10 315 168 bytes)

64-bit version:
(10 917 592 bytes)

If you can not log in into members' area please get your new password by filling the form at:

IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.

This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after March 5, 2019. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.30 or higher from


6.39 provides 30 new features and enhancements

  • AFL editor enhancements
  • new AFL functions
  • support for gzip and deflate compression in Internet functions
  • in-place matrix copy
  • backtester enhancements
  • improved text tool with per-study selectable font size
  • new 8-digit ICB structure
  • plugin interface backward compatibility with changing function signatures
  • improved performance
  • more runtime checks to prevent user errors and other fixes

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.39.0 (as compared to 6.38.0)

  1. 64-bit: AmiBroker, AmiQuote, AFL Code Wizard migrated to newest VC++ 2019 for even better performance
  2. AFL Editor: @link commands are executed at mouse up (instead of previous mouse down) to prevent unwanted text selection when message boxes are dismissed
  3. AFL Editor: call tips (parameter information tooltips) now provide extra description about the function and its parameters (as of v6.39 only 20 functions have this extra info)
  4. AFL Editor: debugging session is automatically terminated with appropriate notice when user attempts to edit the code during debugging (this saves mouse clicks that were needed to stop debug session in order to edit)
  5. AFL Editor: previously when no text was selected and Prettify Code was choosen, the message box caused main frame to get focus instead of focus staying in AFL frame. Fixed
  6. AFL Editor: when an runtime error is detected debugging session the message bar shows now number of detected errors (as it did previously during normal "verify"
  7. AFL Editor: when dark mode list views are used watch window default text color was black making it hardly visible, changed to white
  8. AFL/CBT: AmiBroker now displays an error when user passes incorrect bar number to ProcessTradeSignals() instead of silently skipping wrong arguments
  9. AFL: added protection against assigning wrong types to some built-in variables such as *Price arrays. If wrong type is assigned the error 71 Type mismatch in assignment is displayed
  10. AFL: ADX() function vectorized in 64-bit version (2x faster than before)
  11. AFL: backtester crashed when user incorrectly assigned string value to BuyPrice/ShortPrice/CoverPrice arrays. Fixed.
  12. AFL: Error("text", stop=False) function - added extra parameter to stop execution regardless of "stop execution at first error" preference setting
  13. AFL: FindIndex( array, value, start_from = 0, dir = 1 )
  14. AFL: If warning level >= 3, InternetOpenURL() function now displays a warning 507 if OS generated exception when accessing remote resource, the same way as InternetPostRequest
  15. AFL: increased calculated bar requirements for Wilders() function for better conformance with QuickAFL
  16. AFL: Last OS error code is set by Internet* functions regardless of warning level so you can always retrieve it using GetLastOSError()
  17. AFL: MA( C, BarCount ), StDev( C, BarCount ) return non-Null value
  18. AFL: new field added to SetOption/GetOpion function calls "MaxPosValue" (per backtest setting)
  19. AFL: new function InternetSetHeaders( "headers" ) - set custom HTTP headers for subsequent web requests
  20. AFL: new function InternetSetOption( option, value ) - set HTTP option for internet session
  21. AFL: new function MxCopy - for copying rectangular blocks from one matrix to the other (copy portions of one matrix to the other matrix)
  22. AFL: new function: _exit() - that gracefully ends AFL execution at the point of the call
  23. AFL: new function: InternetGetStatusCode function - returns HTTP status code of last InternetOpenURL or InternetPostRequest call
  24. Analysis/Backtest: added "Max. position value" option in the settings allowing to specify maximum dollar value of position. Zero (0) means no maximum. Positions larger will be shinked (if shrinking is enabled) or won't be entered at all (if shrinking is d
  25. Charts/Preferences: added Text Tool font setting independent from Axis font (Preferences->Miscellaneous page)
  26. Charts: Text Box tool supports user-selectable font size now (selectable in Study Properties window)
  27. Database: new 8-digit ICB structure implemented:
  28. Got rid of obsolete "Request data on save" setting that wasn't performing as expected
  29. Plugin interface: added compatibility layer allowing old plugins to safely call functions even when they have modified signature (added new default parameters). When plugin calls function with less than expected number of arguments, missing some of default
  30. When variable was passed to user function by reference, ++ operator inside had no effect on referenced variable (outside of function). Fixed.

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.38.0 (as compared to 6.35.1)

  1. 64-bit version uses updated VC2017/2019 runtime
  2. 64-bit version could produce "Invalid parameter" exception from CRT after backtesting when symbols under test had forbidden characters in them like "%". Fixed
  3. 64-bit version: address space layout randomization disabled by /DYNAMICBASE:NO linker option to facilite easier crash location finding
  4. AFL: assignment new matrix value to a variable already holding matrix value did not immediately free memory (at the time of assignment). This memory was only freed at the end of the formula. Now it is freed earlier (at assignment) to lower memory usage.
  5. AFL: GetFnData("lastsplitdate") returns empty val instead of zero if last split date is not set
  6. AFL: GfxDrawImage with PNG file could fail if very same file was accessed simultaneously from multiple threads due to "no-sharing" mode that 3rd party XTP lib used. Fixed by using shareDenyWrite
  7. AFL: new function Chr( code ) returns string representing single character of given ascii code
  8. AFL: new function GetObject( path, class ) providing functionality equivalent to JScript GetObject and VBScript GetObject
  9. AFL: new function GuiSendKeyEvents("ED") - register given characters to be sent as Gui event when keyboard key is pressed. GuiGetEvent will return code == notifyKeyDown and id of given character, for example id == 'D' for D letter
  10. AFL: StaticVarAdd when scalar value was added to already existing static var array sometimes random value would appear. Fixed.
  11. AFL: when file creation or modication date was exact midnight fgetstatus() returned datetime indicating "eod mark" (date without time), now it gives 00:00:00
  12. Analysis: Maximum number of threads per single Analysis window has been increased to 64 (from 32)
  13. Backtester: generation of Buy&Hold stats was not working when "Allow position shrinking" was turned OFF by the user and commission > 0. Fixed
  14. Chart: Data window can now display upto 40 values per single chart pane
  15. Chart: Horizontal line snap to open price (keypress O) or close price (keypress C) was snapping to H-L instead. Fixed
  16. Charts: Snap to price - the meaning of threshold is changed - instead of % of price it now means % of chart height. So 5% will snap within +/-5 of chart height. This allows it to work universally across different securities (stocks/forex) and different zo
  17. IQFeed: improved IQFeed plugin (better support for long EOD histories in mixed mode)
    New Analysis: the name of column "contracts/shares" changes each time you change futures mode to prevent confusion among newbies
  18. Plugins: when AFL plugin crashes (throws structured exception) the editor and indicator windows will display call stack for easier debugging of 3rd party plugins
  19. UI: Dialog boxes are moved back main display screen if multi-monitor configuration was changed and multi-monitor setup is not rectangular (for example monitors of different sizes)
  20. UI: Listview sorting by (single) date column is now 10+ times faster
  21. UI: Listview uses non optimized parsing for str to date conversion for date formats that include names of the months instead of numbers (avoids problems with different names of months in different languages)
  22. UI: Main window and AFL Editor frame is moved back to (0,0) if multi-monitor configuration was changed and multi-monitor setup is not rectangular (for example monitors of different sizes), so saved position falls outside currently available working area
  23. UI: MDI Close/Minimize/Restore buttons are now HighDPI aware
  24. UI: MDI Tab client window buttons are now HighDPI aware
  25. UI: Minimized flicker during docking panes resize by disabling Windows copy bits
  26. UI: Toolbar split-popup buttons are now HighDPI aware
  27. x64 eSignal: reverted to more compatible version compiled with VC2005

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.35.0 (as compared to 6.31.0)

  1. AFL: new function inverf(x) - inverse of erf function
  2. AFL Editor: added function navigation combo box in the toolbar - detects user defined functions and allows to quicky navigate to function definition
  3. AFL: GetOption("PadAndAlignToReference") allows to query Pad and align setting status (note that this is read-only field, so it will not work with SetOption)
  4. AFL: new function erf(x) - computes Error function
  5. AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'for' statement, like this: for( i = 0; i AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'while' statement, like this: while( condition ) ; // extra semicolon at the end - empty body Warning 510
  6. AFL: SafeDivide( x, y, valueifzerodiv )- safe division that handles division by zero using special handling (replace result with user-defined value)
  7. Batch: added optional parameter to Data Import ASCII command to allow specify format definition file
  8. Batch: added optional parameter to Execute and Wait command to specify current working directory for command
  9. Batch: added optional parameter to Export to File / Export walk-forward to file to specify column separator in CSV files
    -optional parameter defines the column SEPARATOR used for export. Only single character is used. When it is not supplied, comma is used.
  10. Batch: Clipboard Cut/Copy/Paste implemented in batch editor
  11. Batch: Edit->Delete (from main menu) and Edit-Delete All implemented for completeness
  12. Batch: list view uses virtual mode now (owner data)
  13. UI: All owner-draw list views (NOT in dialogs) now feature customizable theme (currently available "system (light) theme" and "black theme") - go to Tools->Customize, "Appearance" tab, "Dark mode for listviews" checkbox
  14. UI: Analysis and RT quote window use now exactly the same RGB values for up/down (green/red) colors for consistency
  15. UI: Custom virtual listview (owner data) supports per-item data now
  16. UI: Found workaround to avoid terrible flicker and bad rendering of list view controls during fast page up/down and side scrolls (even though they are double buffered by Windows and in theory should be smooth).
  17. UI: Identified even more bottlenecks in Windows OS that caused even owner data and owner draw Listview performance to suffer with large number of columns. OS code circumvented. Listview redraw speeds increased more than 5x compared to previous speedy implementation
  18. UI: Implemented resizing of Listview column customization dialog

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.31.0 (as compared to 6.30.0)

  1. AFL: Access violation in PercentRank when period is wrong. Now error 52 is displayed instead.
  2. AFL: InternetPostRequest now silently (or with warning 507 under debugger) returns NULL handle instead of error when remote server responds with HTTP Status 50x
  3. Analysis: manual column re-sorting could be bit off if scientific output format (xxxEyyy) was used with different exponents. Fixed.
  4. ASCII importer now handles LastSplitRatio of X:Y where X and Y are 1...32767 (previously only 1..127)
  5. Batch: add "add results to watchlist" action / WatchlistAddResults
  6. Batch: add "clear watchlist" action / WatchlistClear
  7. Batch: add "comment" action
  8. Core/DB: fixed access violation when all data were removed while QuickData was turned on
  9. DebugView: eliminated some internal messages from DebugView output (from release version)
  10. InternetPostRequest - even if URL started with https, previous version wanted to connect to port 80, instead of 443. Fixed.
  11. UI/Listview: since 6.28 exception could occur if single cell text length exceeded 1024 characters. Fixed.
  12. When database is empty, ticker box displays grayed text instead of blank or reminiscent of previous database symbol


  1. None

For more details, instructions and examples how to use new features see the 6.39.0 BETA READ ME

AmiBroker 6.38.0 RC released

Stability: Rank 3 - regular BETA should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new RC version (6.38.0) of AmiBroker has been released.

32-bit version:
(10 300 856 bytes)

64-bit version:
(11 022 304 bytes)

If you can not log in into members' area please get your new password by filling the form at:

IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.

This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after October 15, 2018. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.30 or higher from


6.38 provides improvements and new functions in all areas. Details in the change log.

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.38.0 (as compared to 6.35.1)

  1. 64-bit version uses updated VC2017/2019 runtime
  2. 64-bit version could produce "Invalid parameter" exception from CRT after backtesting when symbols under test had forbidden characters in them like "%". Fixed
  3. 64-bit version: address space layout randomization disabled by /DYNAMICBASE:NO linker option to facilite easier crash location finding
  4. AFL: assignment new matrix value to a variable already holding matrix value did not immediately free memory (at the time of assignment). This memory was only freed at the end of the formula. Now it is freed earlier (at assignment) to lower memory usage.
  5. AFL: GetFnData("lastsplitdate") returns empty val instead of zero if last split date is not set
  6. AFL: GfxDrawImage with PNG file could fail if very same file was accessed simultaneously from multiple threads due to "no-sharing" mode that 3rd party XTP lib used. Fixed by using shareDenyWrite
  7. AFL: new function Chr( code ) returns string representing single character of given ascii code
  8. AFL: new function GetObject( path, class ) providing functionality equivalent to JScript GetObject and VBScript GetObject
  9. AFL: new function GuiSendKeyEvents("ED") - register given characters to be sent as Gui event when keyboard key is pressed. GuiGetEvent will return code == notifyKeyDown and id of given character, for example id == 'D' for D letter
  10. AFL: StaticVarAdd when scalar value was added to already existing static var array sometimes random value would appear. Fixed.
  11. AFL: when file creation or modication date was exact midnight fgetstatus() returned datetime indicating "eod mark" (date without time), now it gives 00:00:00
  12. Analysis: Maximum number of threads per single Analysis window has been increased to 64 (from 32)
  13. Backtester: generation of Buy&Hold stats was not working when "Allow position shrinking" was turned OFF by the user and commission > 0. Fixed
  14. Chart: Data window can now display upto 40 values per single chart pane
  15. Chart: Horizontal line snap to open price (keypress O) or close price (keypress C) was snapping to H-L instead. Fixed
  16. Charts: Snap to price - the meaning of threshold is changed - instead of % of price it now means % of chart height. So 5% will snap within +/-5 of chart height. This allows it to work universally across different securities (stocks/forex) and different zo
  17. IQFeed: improved IQFeed plugin (better support for long EOD histories in mixed mode)
    New Analysis: the name of column "contracts/shares" changes each time you change futures mode to prevent confusion among newbies
  18. Plugins: when AFL plugin crashes (throws structured exception) the editor and indicator windows will display call stack for easier debugging of 3rd party plugins
  19. UI: Dialog boxes are moved back main display screen if multi-monitor configuration was changed and multi-monitor setup is not rectangular (for example monitors of different sizes)
  20. UI: Listview sorting by (single) date column is now 10+ times faster
  21. UI: Listview uses non optimized parsing for str to date conversion for date formats that include names of the months instead of numbers (avoids problems with different names of months in different languages)
  22. UI: Main window and AFL Editor frame is moved back to (0,0) if multi-monitor configuration was changed and multi-monitor setup is not rectangular (for example monitors of different sizes), so saved position falls outside currently available working area
  23. UI: MDI Close/Minimize/Restore buttons are now HighDPI aware
  24. UI: MDI Tab client window buttons are now HighDPI aware
  25. UI: Minimized flicker during docking panes resize by disabling Windows copy bits
  26. UI: Toolbar split-popup buttons are now HighDPI aware
  27. x64 eSignal: reverted to more compatible version compiled with VC2005

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.35.0 (as compared to 6.31.0)

  1. AFL: new function inverf(x) - inverse of erf function
  2. AFL Editor: added function navigation combo box in the toolbar - detects user defined functions and allows to quicky navigate to function definition
  3. AFL: GetOption("PadAndAlignToReference") allows to query Pad and align setting status (note that this is read-only field, so it will not work with SetOption)
  4. AFL: new function erf(x) - computes Error function
  5. AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'for' statement, like this: for( i = 0; i AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'while' statement, like this: while( condition ) ; // extra semicolon at the end - empty body Warning 510
  6. AFL: SafeDivide( x, y, valueifzerodiv )- safe division that handles division by zero using special handling (replace result with user-defined value)
  7. Batch: added optional parameter to Data Import ASCII command to allow specify format definition file
  8. Batch: added optional parameter to Execute and Wait command to specify current working directory for command
  9. Batch: added optional parameter to Export to File / Export walk-forward to file to specify column separator in CSV files
    -optional parameter defines the column SEPARATOR used for export. Only single character is used. When it is not supplied, comma is used.
  10. Batch: Clipboard Cut/Copy/Paste implemented in batch editor
  11. Batch: Edit->Delete (from main menu) and Edit-Delete All implemented for completeness
  12. Batch: list view uses virtual mode now (owner data)
  13. UI: All owner-draw list views (NOT in dialogs) now feature customizable theme (currently available "system (light) theme" and "black theme") - go to Tools->Customize, "Appearance" tab, "Dark mode for listviews" checkbox
  14. UI: Analysis and RT quote window use now exactly the same RGB values for up/down (green/red) colors for consistency
  15. UI: Custom virtual listview (owner data) supports per-item data now
  16. UI: Found workaround to avoid terrible flicker and bad rendering of list view controls during fast page up/down and side scrolls (even though they are double buffered by Windows and in theory should be smooth).
  17. UI: Identified even more bottlenecks in Windows OS that caused even owner data and owner draw Listview performance to suffer with large number of columns. OS code circumvented. Listview redraw speeds increased more than 5x compared to previous speedy implementation
  18. UI: Implemented resizing of Listview column customization dialog

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.31.0 (as compared to 6.30.0)

  1. AFL: Access violation in PercentRank when period is wrong. Now error 52 is displayed instead.
  2. AFL: InternetPostRequest now silently (or with warning 507 under debugger) returns NULL handle instead of error when remote server responds with HTTP Status 50x
  3. Analysis: manual column re-sorting could be bit off if scientific output format (xxxEyyy) was used with different exponents. Fixed.
  4. ASCII importer now handles LastSplitRatio of X:Y where X and Y are 1...32767 (previously only 1..127)
  5. Batch: add "add results to watchlist" action / WatchlistAddResults
  6. Batch: add "clear watchlist" action / WatchlistClear
  7. Batch: add "comment" action
  8. Core/DB: fixed access violation when all data were removed while QuickData was turned on
  9. DebugView: eliminated some internal messages from DebugView output (from release version)
  10. InternetPostRequest - even if URL started with https, previous version wanted to connect to port 80, instead of 443. Fixed.
  11. UI/Listview: since 6.28 exception could occur if single cell text length exceeded 1024 characters. Fixed.
  12. When database is empty, ticker box displays grayed text instead of blank or reminiscent of previous database symbol


  1. None

For more details, instructions and examples how to use new features see the 6.38.0 BETA READ ME

AmiBroker 6.35.1 BETA released

Stability: Rank 3 - regular BETA should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new beta version (6.35.1) of AmiBroker has been released.

32-bit version:
(2 447 064 bytes)

64-bit version:
(11 017 280 bytes)

If you can not log in into members' area please get your new password by filling the form at:

IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.

This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after November 28, 2017. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.30 or higher from


6.35 provides:

  1. huge speedups in running huge explorations,
  2. dark theme and 5x speed up for rendering huge list views like (as compared to 6.31)
  3. improved Batch functionality - clipboard support (copy/paste of selected batch items), new optional parameters for batch commands
  4. new AFL functions (SafeDivide, erf(), inverf()) and AFL parser improvements

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.35.1 (as compared to 6.35.0)

  1. When .abb file was saved in older version and was missing Param2 then Param was incorrectly used as default value. Fixed.
  2. Changed threshold year for two digit year data files to 25 (previously it was 20). So YY is now interpreted as 19YY when YY

    CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.35.0 (as compared to 6.31.0)

    1. AFL: new function inverf(x) - inverse of erf function
    2. AFL Editor: added function navigation combo box in the toolbar - detects user defined functions and allows to quicky navigate to function definition
    3. AFL: GetOption("PadAndAlignToReference") allows to query Pad and align setting status (note that this is read-only field, so it will not work with SetOption)
    4. AFL: new function erf(x) - computes Error function
    5. AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'for' statement, like this: for( i = 0; i AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'while' statement, like this: while( condition ) ; // extra semicolon at the end - empty body Warning 510
    6. AFL: SafeDivide( x, y, valueifzerodiv )- safe division that handles division by zero using special handling (replace result with user-defined value)
    7. Batch: added optional parameter to Data Import ASCII command to allow specify format definition file
    8. Batch: added optional parameter to Execute and Wait command to specify current working directory for command
    9. Batch: added optional parameter to Export to File / Export walk-forward to file to specify column separator in CSV files
      -optional parameter defines the column SEPARATOR used for export. Only single character is used. When it is not supplied, comma is used.
    10. Batch: Clipboard Cut/Copy/Paste implemented in batch editor
    11. Batch: Edit->Delete (from main menu) and Edit-Delete All implemented for completeness
    12. Batch: list view uses virtual mode now (owner data)
    13. UI: All owner-draw list views (NOT in dialogs) now feature customizable theme (currently available "system (light) theme" and "black theme") - go to Tools->Customize, "Appearance" tab, "Dark mode for listviews" checkbox
    14. UI: Analysis and RT quote window use now exactly the same RGB values for up/down (green/red) colors for consistency
    15. UI: Custom virtual listview (owner data) supports per-item data now
    16. UI: Found workaround to avoid terrible flicker and bad rendering of list view controls during fast page up/down and side scrolls (even though they are double buffered by Windows and in theory should be smooth).
    17. UI: Identified even more bottlenecks in Windows OS that caused even owner data and owner draw Listview performance to suffer with large number of columns. OS code circumvented. Listview redraw speeds increased more than 5x compared to previous speedy implementation
    18. UI: Implemented resizing of Listview column customization dialog

    CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.31.0 (as compared to 6.30.0)

    1. AFL: Access violation in PercentRank when period is wrong. Now error 52 is displayed instead.
    2. AFL: InternetPostRequest now silently (or with warning 507 under debugger) returns NULL handle instead of error when remote server responds with HTTP Status 50x
    3. Analysis: manual column re-sorting could be bit off if scientific output format (xxxEyyy) was used with different exponents. Fixed.
    4. ASCII importer now handles LastSplitRatio of X:Y where X and Y are 1...32767 (previously only 1..127)
    5. Batch: add "add results to watchlist" action / WatchlistAddResults
    6. Batch: add "clear watchlist" action / WatchlistClear
    7. Batch: add "comment" action
    8. Core/DB: fixed access violation when all data were removed while QuickData was turned on
    9. DebugView: eliminated some internal messages from DebugView output (from release version)
    10. InternetPostRequest - even if URL started with https, previous version wanted to connect to port 80, instead of 443. Fixed.
    11. UI/Listview: since 6.28 exception could occur if single cell text length exceeded 1024 characters. Fixed.
    12. When database is empty, ticker box displays grayed text instead of blank or reminiscent of previous database symbol


    1. None

    For more details, instructions and examples how to use new features see the 6.35.1 BETA READ ME

AmiBroker 6.35.0 BETA released

Stability: Rank 3 - regular BETA should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new beta version (6.35.0) of AmiBroker has been released.

32-bit version:
(2 447 008 bytes)

64-bit version:
(11 022 864 bytes)

If you can not log in into members' area please get your new password by filling the form at:

IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.

This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after November 28, 2017. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.30 or higher from


6.35 provides:

  1. huge speedups in running huge explorations,
  2. dark theme and 5x speed up for rendering huge list views like (as compared to 6.31)
  3. improved Batch functionality - clipboard support (copy/paste of selected batch items), new optional parameters for batch commands
  4. new AFL functions (SafeDivide, erf(), inverf()) and AFL parser improvements

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.35.0 (as compared to 6.31.0)

  1. AFL: new function inverf(x) - inverse of erf function
  2. AFL Editor: added function navigation combo box in the toolbar - detects user defined functions and allows to quicky navigate to function definition
  3. AFL: GetOption("PadAndAlignToReference") allows to query Pad and align setting status (note that this is read-only field, so it will not work with SetOption)
  4. AFL: new function erf(x) - computes Error function
  5. AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'for' statement, like this: for( i = 0; i AFL: parser warns if empty body is used in 'while' statement, like this: while( condition ) ; // extra semicolon at the end - empty body Warning 510
  6. AFL: SafeDivide( x, y, valueifzerodiv )- safe division that handles division by zero using special handling (replace result with user-defined value)
  7. Batch: added optional parameter to Data Import ASCII command to allow specify format definition file
  8. Batch: added optional parameter to Execute and Wait command to specify current working directory for command
  9. Batch: added optional parameter to Export to File / Export walk-forward to file to specify column separator in CSV files
    -optional parameter defines the column SEPARATOR used for export. Only single character is used. When it is not supplied, comma is used.
  10. Batch: Clipboard Cut/Copy/Paste implemented in batch editor
  11. Batch: Edit->Delete (from main menu) and Edit-Delete All implemented for completeness
  12. Batch: list view uses virtual mode now (owner data)
  13. UI: All owner-draw list views (NOT in dialogs) now feature customizable theme (currently available "system (light) theme" and "black theme") - go to Tools->Customize, "Appearance" tab, "Dark mode for listviews" checkbox
  14. UI: Analysis and RT quote window use now exactly the same RGB values for up/down (green/red) colors for consistency
  15. UI: Custom virtual listview (owner data) supports per-item data now
  16. UI: Found workaround to avoid terrible flicker and bad rendering of list view controls during fast page up/down and side scrolls (even though they are double buffered by Windows and in theory should be smooth).
  17. UI: Identified even more bottlenecks in Windows OS that caused even owner data and owner draw Listview performance to suffer with large number of columns. OS code circumvented. Listview redraw speeds increased more than 5x compared to previous speedy implementation
  18. UI: Implemented resizing of Listview column customization dialog

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.31.0 (as compared to 6.30.0)

  1. AFL: Access violation in PercentRank when period is wrong. Now error 52 is displayed instead.
  2. AFL: InternetPostRequest now silently (or with warning 507 under debugger) returns NULL handle instead of error when remote server responds with HTTP Status 50x
  3. Analysis: manual column re-sorting could be bit off if scientific output format (xxxEyyy) was used with different exponents. Fixed.
  4. ASCII importer now handles LastSplitRatio of X:Y where X and Y are 1...32767 (previously only 1..127)
  5. Batch: add "add results to watchlist" action / WatchlistAddResults
  6. Batch: add "clear watchlist" action / WatchlistClear
  7. Batch: add "comment" action
  8. Core/DB: fixed access violation when all data were removed while QuickData was turned on
  9. DebugView: eliminated some internal messages from DebugView output (from release version)
  10. InternetPostRequest - even if URL started with https, previous version wanted to connect to port 80, instead of 443. Fixed.
  11. UI/Listview: since 6.28 exception could occur if single cell text length exceeded 1024 characters. Fixed.
  12. When database is empty, ticker box displays grayed text instead of blank or reminiscent of previous database symbol


  1. None

For more details, instructions and examples how to use new features see the 6.35.0 BETA READ ME

AmiBroker 6.31.0 BETA released

Stability: Rank 3 - regular BETA should work fine in most environments

This is a BETA version. Make a backup first

A new beta version (6.31.0) of AmiBroker, with new functionality in Batch controller has been released.

32-bit version:
(2 422 504 bytes)

64-bit version:
(11 000 224 bytes)

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IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.

This version is a free upgrade only for users who registered AmiBroker after August 1, 2017. Users who registered earlier, would need to purchase license upgrade. To find out the version you currently have use Account Information page at

Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 6.30 or higher from


6.31 is focused on Batch window improvements and general fixes. See CHANGE LOG for details.

CHANGES FOR VERSION 6.31.0 (as compared to 6.30.0)

  1. AFL: Access violation in PercentRank when period is wrong. Now error 52 is displayed instead.
  2. AFL: InternetPostRequest now silently (or with warning 507 under debugger) returns NULL handle instead of error when remote server responds with HTTP Status 50x
  3. Analysis: manual column re-sorting could be bit off if scientific output format (xxxEyyy) was used with different exponents. Fixed.
  4. ASCII importer now handles LastSplitRatio of X:Y where X and Y are 1...32767 (previously only 1..127)
  5. Batch: add "add results to watchlist" action / WatchlistAddResults
  6. Batch: add "clear watchlist" action / WatchlistClear
  7. Batch: add "comment" action
  8. Core/DB: fixed access violation when all data were removed while QuickData was turned on
  9. DebugView: eliminated some internal messages from DebugView output (from release version)
  10. InternetPostRequest - even if URL started with https, previous version wanted to connect to port 80, instead of 443. Fixed.
  11. UI/Listview: since 6.28 exception could occur if single cell text length exceeded 1024 characters. Fixed.
  12. When database is empty, ticker box displays grayed text instead of blank or reminiscent of previous database symbol


  1. None

For more details, instructions and examples how to use new features see the 6.31.0 BETA READ ME

AmiQuote 4.02 released

A new public version of AmiQuote 4.02 is released now.

Direct links: (234KB) – 32 bit version (289KB) – 64 bit version

NOTE: 64-bit version of AmiQuote now requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 runtime. You may need to download the runtime separately and install it, if you are installing AmiQuote stand-alone (without AmiBroker 6.30 64-bit or higher already installed). If you already have AmiBroker 6.30 64-bit you don't need to do anything.

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.02 (as compared to version 4.01)

  1. in 4.01 the message about problem with connection was always displayed if AmiQuote was not registered. Now trial allows to download data for upto 10 stocks (as previously)
  2. when AmiQuote was launched from OLE AmiQuote attempted to load custom data sources from current working directory which was set by OLE to C:\Windows\system32 or similar. Now when launching from OLE the current working directory is changed automatically to EXE dir.

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.01 (as compared to version 4.00)

  1. Fixed Yahoo Fundamental Extra after web site change

CHANGES FOR VERSION 4.00 (as compared to version 3.33)

A new Generation of AmiQuote, now allows User-definable data sources for complete freedom of choice and quick adoption to data sources that appear on the web as well as existing sources changing their API:

  1. UI: New top-level menu: Data sources: New/Edit/Delete/Import/Export
  2. UI: New Data source creation/editing dialog allowing definition of user-defined sources
  3. UI: Export and Import of Data source definitions allowing easy sharing of definitions between users
  4. Removed defunct Google Finance built-in source
  5. Removed built-in source (it can re-added as user-defined)
  6. Added example importable data source definitions in "DataSources" folder (AlphaVantage, Tiingo Intraday IEX and more)

Full documentation on new features is included in the AmiQuote Read Me.

Precise instructions are here:

TIINGO and STOOQ usage instructions
Detailed procedure how to configure AmiQuote with TIINGO is here


  1. If you are getting "Failed to update registry, use REGEDIT" message, then you need to run AmiQuote just once with administrator rights - to do so click on AmiQuote icon with right mouse button and select "Run As Administrator". Do this ONCE. Don't run all the time under "admin" rights because automatic import won't work.
  2. If you are not able to download more than 2 years worth of data it means you entered too early "From" date. For example if you enter 1900 as "from" date you won't get more than recent 2 years. But if you enter more resonable starting date such as year 2000, then you will be able to download 17 years worth of data
  3. If it still does not work - you did something wrong. The program works fine, as long above steps are PRECISELY done. Rinse and repeat until it clicks.


AmiQuote is nothing but specialized web browser/downloader. You are using 3rd party web pages/services (Yahoo/MSN/Google/Finam) available to the public and AmiQuote acts like Internet Explorer or Firefox. The availability of data/web pages depends on those 3rd parties and may change in the future. The financial data downloaded from public web sites such as Yahoo Finance/MSN/Google/Finam are for personal use only. Consult 3rd parties' Terms of Service for details. For actual trading we recommend using paid data sources that provide higher data quality and reliability.

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