Retrieves data-source specific data.
Currently only Quotes Plus and TC2000 plug-isn support this function.
The list of fields available via QP2 plug-in:
- "AnnDividend"
- "Shares"
- "SharesFloat"
- "IssueType" (string)
- "SharesOut"
- "SharesShort"
- "TTMsales"
- "Beta"
- "TTMEps"
- "HiPERange"
- "LoPERange"
- "PEG"
- "InstHolds"
- "LTDebtToEq"
- "CashFlowPerShare"
- "ROE"
- "TTMSales"
- "Yr1EPSGrowth"
- "Yr5EPSGrowth"
- "Yr1ProjEPSGrowth"
- "Yr2ProjEPSGrowth"
- "Yr3to5ProjEPSGrowth"
- "BookValuePerShare"
- "Briefing" (string)
- "QRS" (array)
- "HasOptions"
- "EPSRank" (array) - requires QP plugin 1.4.3
- "Sales" (array) - requires QP plugin 1.5.0
- "EPS" (array) - requires QP plugin 1.5.0
- "LastMainDate" - (number) date of last update of given symbol in
YYYYMMDD format - requires QP plugin 1.5.1
- "Exchange" - (string) - exchange code - requires QP plugin 1.5.1
- "ExchangeSub" - (string) exchange sub-code - requires QP plugin 1.5.1
- "Flags" - (string) - requires QP plugin 1.5.1
- "MarginFlag" - (string)- requires QP plugin 1.5.1
- "CUSIP" - (string) - requires QP plugin 1.5.1
- "SIC" - (string) - requires QP plugin 1.5.1
- "IssueStatus" - (string) - with default settings all symbols should have
issue status = 0
other possible values: 0 = actively trading; 1, P = trading on a when
issued basis, 5, 6, 7, A, B, C, D, E, M = not trading
4, N = new symbol, G, K, X, R, Z = changes to symbol, cusip, name, etc. - requires QP plugin 1.5.1
The list of fields available via TC2000 plug-in:
- "BOP" - balance of power indicator
- "MoneyStream" - money stream indicator