March 25, 2011
AmiBroker 5.36.0 BETA released
Stability: - Regular BETA, pretty stable, should work fine in most environments
This is a BETA version. Make a backup first
A new beta version (5.36.0) of AmiBroker has just been released.
32-bit version:
(1 677 120 bytes)
64-bit version:
(8 161 368 bytes)
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IMPORTANT: Unauthorized copying and/or distribution of materials found on members' only page is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in IMMEDIATE termination of license.
Note that this version can only be installed onto previous full installation of version 5.30 or higher from
CHANGES FOR VERSION 5.36.0 (as compared to 5.35.0)
- AFL Editor more detailed code checks implemented - now displays *warnings* (for code parts that are syntactically correct but likely errorneous in practice)
- Temporary workaround for docking window crash when Internet Explorer 9 is installed and web research window resized
- AFL: new functions: GicsID and InGICS added
- In minimised windows RequestTimedRefresh with onlyvisible parameter set to False worked unreliably when multithreading was ON. Fixed.
- AFL engine gives more detailed information about exceptions (including line numbers and file path)
- Formula editor, indicators and commentary catch all exceptions, not only system exceptions
- Fixed potential crash when param dialog is referring to non-existing view (NO_CHART_ID)
- AFL: "Unknown exception" should now be reported with line numbers for easier identification of ofending function
- AFL: for/while/do-while loops were not executed if syntax or runtime error occured before them and "stop parsing on first error" was turned off. Fixed
- 64-bit: AStyle.dll is now included in 64-bit version so AFL Editor, Edit->Pretiffy works in 64 bit too.
Hint: If AmiBroker 5.36.0 crashes at start up with "multi-thread charts" option enabled, you can make it work by holding down the SHIFT key while starting AmiBroker - this will turn OFF multi-threading.
For more details and instructions see the 5.36.0 BETA READ ME.
Next planned beta (5.37.0) should arrive next Friday.
Filed by Tomasz Janeczko at 5:56 am under Beta,Releases
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